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woman with Ticket photo

Beware of Sharing Ticket Photos: Protect Yourself from Scammers

In our digital age, sharing ticket photos on social media has become second nature to many of us. However, there’s a cautionary tale that the FBI wants to share with both Android and iPhone users. This type of photo that can lead to costly mistakes and potential scams. Let’s dive into the details and learn how to keep ourselves safe.

The Risk of Sharing Event Tickets

Imagine you’re thrilled about an upcoming theater performance, concert, or sporting event. You want to share your excitement with friends and family, so you snap a photo of the tickets and post it on social media. It seems innocent enough, right? Unfortunately, this seemingly harmless act can have dire consequences.

Fraudsters are always looking for opportunities to exploit unsuspecting individuals, and they can seize the barcode from the ticket photo you posted. With this barcode, they can create a fake ticket, rendering your genuine ticket useless. You could find yourself standing outside the venue, holding a worthless piece of paper or displaying a useless digital ticket on your phone.

The FBI’s Advice

The FBI is urging caution when it comes to sharing ticket photos on social media. They explicitly state on their website, “Don’t post pictures of theater, concert, or sporting event tickets.” By refraining from sharing such photos, you minimize the risk of falling victim to ticket fraud.

Ticketmaster’s Warning

Ticketmaster, one of the leading ticket-selling platforms, echoes the FBI’s concerns. They emphasize the importance of safeguarding the unique barcode printed on your ticket. If someone obtains that barcode, they can easily duplicate and use or sell your tickets, leaving you empty-handed.

Ticketmaster advises against posting photos of your tickets online, even if you cover the barcode. It’s crucial to remember that other sensitive information can unintentionally be revealed in a screenshot of an online purchase. Details like your name, address, and credit card information might be visible, making you vulnerable to identity theft or financial fraud.

Protecting Yourself: Actionable Tips

Now that we understand the risks, it’s time to explore practical steps to safeguard our ticket information. Consider the following measures:

  • Avoid sharing ticket photos: Resist the temptation to share photos of your event tickets on social media, regardless of how excited you are. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • #CoverTheCode: If you come across family or friends sharing ticket photos online, kindly ask them to cover the barcode before posting. Encourage them to join the #CoverTheCode movement to protect their tickets and raise awareness.
  • Be cautious with screenshots: Be mindful of what appears in screenshots of online purchases. Double-check that sensitive information like your name, address, and credit card details are not visible before sharing screenshots.
  • Educate others: Spread the word about the risks associated with sharing ticket photos. Inform your friends, family, and social media connections about the potential dangers and the importance of protecting personal information.

In Conclusion

By following these simple yet crucial steps, you can reduce the likelihood of falling victim to ticket fraud and keep your personal information secure.

Remember, a momentary thrill from sharing a ticket photo is not worth the potential consequences. Stay vigilant, protect your tickets, and enjoy your events without any unwelcome surprises.

As always, if you have a question about this or any other post, please leave a comment below, or you can email me at

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Unwanted Life
1 year ago

I’ve never understood the need for people to show the tickets they’ve bought on social media. I remember how someone had their Xbox gift card stolen this way as well

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